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网址:diaochekf.au18.cn  2023-09-28  作者:admin    阅读:

The process of equipment handling and hoisting
The process of equipment handling and hoisting mainly includes preparation work, on-site inspection, handling plan design, handling implementation, and handling acceptance. The following will provide a detailed introduction to these steps.
Preparation work
Before carrying out equipment handling and lifting, sufficient preparations must be made. Firstly, it is necessary to have a detailed understanding of the equipment, including its size, weight, structural characteristics, and other information. Secondly, prepare necessary equipment and tools, such as cranes, etc. It is also necessary to organize corresponding personnel, have a clear division of labor, and do a good job of coordination.
On site inspection
Before carrying out equipment handling and lifting, a comprehensive inspection of the site must be carried out. This includes checking whether the ground is flat and stable, checking whether there are obstacles around the equipment, and checking whether the weather conditions are suitable for lifting operations. If there are any safety hazards, they must be dealt with promptly.
Design of handling plan
搬运方案设计是设备搬运吊装的核心环节。根据设备的特点和现场的条件,设计合理的搬运方案。包括选择合适的吊装工艺州苗木 保定通风管道 丝网立柱模具 尼龙输送带 保定空压机 高碑店养老院、确定吊点位置、计算和选择吊装索具等。同时,还需要制定详细的操作流程和安全措施,确保搬运过程安全可靠。
The design of transportation plans is the core link of equipment transportation and lifting. Design a reasonable handling plan based on the characteristics of the equipment and on-site conditions. This includes selecting appropriate lifting techniques, determining the position of lifting points, calculating and selecting lifting rigging, etc. At the same time, detailed operational procedures and safety measures need to be developed to ensure the safe and reliable handling process.

